...long time writer, first time on tour ;)
The bags are packed, the kids have been tucked in for the night, the wife's been kissed good-bye..."A Charming Endeavor" book tour is set for launch on Monday the 3rd, as I hit the road with little more than the clothes on my back, a full tank of gas, and copies of "South of Charm" crammed into my trunk.
On to the dates...(which are tentative, but close to within a day or two. And who's keeping score anyway? Afterall, we're writers, being flighty is part of the game ;)
Monday, October 3rd - Heading westward for a visit with fellow writer, KarenG.
Wednesday, October 5th - Stopping by "Sharp Pen/Dull Sword" and the lovely Lola Sharp.
Friday, October 7th - Cruising south to Carolina for some southern style gossip with Anne Gallagher at Piedmont Writer.
Monday, October 10th - Celebrating Columbus Day with Sarah Pearson at "Empty White Pages."
Thursday, October 13th - Off to the Windy City for some deep dish, a bottle of suds, and a chat with Michael Di Gesu.
Monday, October 17th - Heading northeast for a long awaited visit with Christine Danek , from "Christine's Journey."
Wednesday, October 19th - The Deep South awaits! Off to Georgia to soak up the sun and chat it up with Olivia J. Herrell, "That Rebel With a Blog."
Friday, October 21st - Headed north of the border for a visit with fellow storyteller, Wendy Tyler Ryan, talented author of "Fire's Daughter."
Monday, October 24th - Nicki Elson, an 80's historian, and the successful author of "Three Daves," takes a quick break during her own road trip to share war stories about life on the road.
Wednesday, October 26th - Talented book reviewer, The Golden Eagle, puts "South of Charm" under the microscope and reveals her thoughts.
Thursday, October 27th - Off to Cali for a second visit with talented writer and long time friend, Donna Hole.
Saturday, October 29th - Ending the road trip with a visit to Meilori's, and a much anticipated chat with Roland Yeomans, down in the Bayou.
And what's a tour without prizes along the way...
At month's end, I'll be giving away signed copies of my book, "South of Charm," two $25.00 gift cards from Barnes & Noble, and upon it's highly anticipated release, Stephen King's new thriller, "11/22/63," due out on November 8th.
and to win...
-All my current followers have already earned themselves 1 point.
-Any new followers I meet along the way will be awarded 1 point.
-All who comment on any of my blog stops in October will earn 2 points.
-Anyone who leaves reviews for "South of Charm" on either Amazon or GoodReads will earn 5 points.
-At months end, my most behaved foster child for that particular day will be choosing the winners, (trust me, that's a win/win for the entire family ;)
Thanks for reading,
and....we're off!